Friday, October 23, 2009

Failure & The Pep Talk

Last night I was all excited to etch a sheet of sterling to make some cute little limited edition holiday pendants ....

Well, I etched, and failed. I made a couple of mistakes that ruined the etch quality, major bummer. I even had a mini spazzy "ugly cry" meltdown about it!

So, I turned to the other metalsmiths in the Etsy forums for some advice/support/ideas/troubleshooting and they thankfully came to my rescue and revived the hope I had of making these darling little pendants.

This morning I made the decision to pay the large amount of money needed to order more silver etchant, pay a funky hazardous shipping charge and give it another go. I've decided to force myself to try until I get it right! This motivation was aided considerably by Mr. Franklin D. Roosevelt and a secretive Unknown Author...
"When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on." ~Franklin D. Roosevelt
"The road to success is dotted with many tempting parking places." ~Author Unknown

I ain't givin' up yet guys! Stay tuned for the completed holiday pendants, because THEY WILL HAPPEN! :)


Bonzai Beadwear said...

good luck! i love the snowflake!