Friday, April 30, 2010

Decisions Decisions...

I've been driving myself crazy trying to decide on a new duvet cover. Why is this such a hard decision? I've been thinking about this for a solid 9 months now! And I keep coming back to this one from Pottery Barn. It's so bright, and fun and completely different from what I have right now. This is a trend in my life, I need to switch things up frequently or I become painfully bored by my day to day. I think it's the curse of the creative because I know there are plenty more people out there like myself driving themselves crazy with silly things like this.

Anyway, back to the duvet cover. Love it. REALLY love it. Here's the problem though, none of my wall art really goes with it, at all. Thus forcing me to pretty much redecorate if I do in fact choose to purchase this. that really so bad? I mean apart from the fact that I'll be spending more money of course. I feel like I must really like this if I found it like 9 months ago and I still keep coming back to it...

What do you guys think of it? Thoughts?

I clearly can't make a decision on my own. Oy!


SewSweetStitches said...

I love love LOVE it!

Alicia said...

Get it! You obviously want it!! Its great, love the colors!

Unknown said...

I see you keep coming back to it so you must loved, it is very pretty. About the art maybe you can take pictures of flowers just simple ones and decorate the room that just an idea, good luck.

TMCPhoto said...

my rule of thumb with things like this is that if you keep going back to it you really must have it. As far as art, your art doesn't have to match your couch or in your case duvet. If you have pieces that you really love keep them up, if you really want a full on change get more art that you love.

That duvet is super lovely in any case.

tennyoceres said...

Do it. It shouldn't matter that it doesn't match anything in your house. It's like that creepy doll/painting/object your grandmother couldn't throw away. For no rational reason she loved it. And you should feel the same.

Jacki said...

I love it too! Especially the shams. How cute are they?? Buy it now!! :)

Liv @ Choosing Beauty said...

I'm in the same boat - must get a new quilt or duvet, but I have a hubby who has to weigh in on the design (no paisley, for one thing). I've seen this and LOVE it, but he's not keen on all the flowers. So, while you're free to decide on your own what covers you want to sleep under, go for it! :)

aerohed64 said...

first of all, get it-if you haven't already. plus, in the winter you could replace the white sheets with plum so it's more wintery. Second, you have the itis: restless artist syndrome.....

scribblescrabble said...

I think that it's a really lovely duvet cover! If you've been looking at it for this long I think you should go ahead and get it before it's too late! Besides, the great thing about covers is you can always switch them out- and what is more fun than shopping for new art??? :) Redecorate! You'll have a blast doing it!!!