Thursday, November 19, 2009

"Why don't you just say it, I'm a Cotton Headed Ninnymuggins..."

Wow, what a bad blogger I've been! Where the heck have I been? It seems as though I had fallen right off the face of the Earth and got sucked into a black hole! Well, actually, I did! But let me explain...

For the past 3 weeks or so I've been feverishly preparing for my Annual Holiday Trunk Show, and today is the day of "The Big Show"! I'm nervous, excited, exhausted and a million other things, I never deal well with the anticipation on the day of the event! Up until today, my days have been packed with jewelry making, pricing, cleaning, organizing and wrapping up loose ends, I think when I go to sleep tonight, after the show, it will be the most magically restful and peaceful sleep of my life. To sleep without the thoughts of a looming show dancing through my brain for one night will be nothing short of bliss!

Anyway, I just wanted to let you all know, I haven't forgotten about my blog, and I promise to get back on the right blog track! For now, I must get back to cooking up some yummy treats for my trunk show guests and making sure everything is in order. 6:30pm is the magic hour, cross your fingers for me!!! I promise to blog about the party aftermath and include some nice pictures of the event! I'm hoping to get some shots of people in action whilst they shop, laugh, drink and play :)

Oh yeah, by the way, my Christmas spirit is officially in full swing, and I wanted to spread the love, so I leave you with this...


Unknown said...

Good luck on your show:)

Kay said...

Hope the show is great for you!

Thanks for the Christmas spirit! Now I just need Christmas Vacation, A Christmas Story, and Christmas with the Kranks.