Monday, November 23, 2009

Holiday Trunk Show Continued: The Guests Arrive!

I was literally only able to snap a few pictures of the trunk show and guests in action at the very beginning of the show,within the first 20 mins of it while there was still room to move around! Once everyone showed up it was pretty impossible for me to duck in an out of corners to secretly snap photos of the guests shopping so I just gave up and focused on the trunk show itself.

So anyway, here are the few shots I did manage to snap of my happy guests mingling, having cocktails, laughing, browsing and trying on jewelry! Thanks again to everyone who came out, it was so much fun! Can't wait for next year!


Heartsabustin said...

What a beautiful set-up! Ours is this weekend - I hope we do well. I know you did!

Amy said...

Your setup was beyond perfect!!! Did you have music playing softly in the background? I'm trying to imagine it, lol..

and super cute baby, too!

Ashley said...

Yes! We had some nice retro/crooner Christmas tunes on!